Google held the latest Stadia Connect this morning during Gamescom. While it was brief compared to the first event, it listed off every new game confirmed for the Stadia platform. In addition to this Google showed off some new footage from games it confirmed earlier this year.
The biggest title on the list from this morning’s live stream is undoubtedly Cyberpunk 2077. This is a game from CD Projekt Red that many have been hoping would be available through Google’s cloud gaming service. Google did not announce a date for the game’s release, just that it was coming soon. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t officially launch until April 16 of 2020, so it won’t be coming to Stadia until then or sometime after.
As one of the most anticipated games of the year, Cyberpunk 2077 is a big title to have on offer. One that may entice consumers who were on the fence about Stadia prior to today. It’s also not the only new game to have been confirmed.
In addition to Cyberpunk 2077, Stadia users will have access to games like Attack on Titan 2 – Final Battle, Kine, Wind Jammers 2, Destroy All Humans, and Super Hot. Stadia even has a new „exclusive” title with Orcs Must Die 3. Like GYLT, Orcs Must Die 3 is presumably a title that will be available on Stadia only. The game could also be a timed exclusive though.
Back in July, GYLT’s creative director may have suggested that the game would eventually reach other platforms. The same thing could happen with Orcs Must Die 3, especially when you consider that previous games in the franchise are playable on PC and consoles.
Today’s stream wasn’t just about new games. Previously announced titles were shown off too. Games like GRID, Samurai Showdown, Borderlands 3, Farming Simulator 19 Platinum Edition and more popped up. Destiny 2 showed off some new footage of Shadowkeep as well. Thus, further building hype for its arrival this Fall.
Google also showed off some footage of Darksiders Genesis, a game which takes the Darksiders franchise and plunges it into an Action RPG hack and slash style of gameplay. To be clear, this was not the first time that gameplay has been revealed. However, it did give players more of a look at the game when it finally launches.
When it comes to new games, Stadia Connect was relatively light on information this time around, as Google only confirmed seven new games. Many may have been hoping that Google would share new information about the platform itself. Something which Google has yet to show off is the Stadia UI. Although this probably won’t be the last Stadia Connect before the launch, people have been asking to see what the UI looks like.
Speculation about it making an appearance during today’s stream began immediately after Google announced the date for it. But to no avail, the event was about game details and game details only. Save for the initial plug about the platform and another nudge to pick up the Stadia Founder’s Edition bundle as they „have already sold out in some countries.” If you missed the stream, you can view it from the official video below.
The post Here’s Every New Game Confirmed For Stadia appeared first on Android Headlines.