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YouTube Now Offers You A More Personalized Sports Experience

YouTube is basically a one-stop shop for almost any topic you could want, including sports. While YouTube has become a lot more personalized over the years, Google has worked on the site to a degree such that a few fairly popular topics have a much more personalized experience.
Now, that includes sports, with Google having set up a more personalized version of the sports page that includes a handful of dedicated features. is the new place to be if you want the scoop on anything from sports highlights to clips from past and recent games. The more personalized approach joins topics like fashion, gaming, and learning. The changes that have launched as of today are wrapped in a „refreshed” version of the page that focuses on delivering a immersive experience.
The new YouTube Sports page features a more immersive experience
One way Google has set out to do this seems to be with the new large banner at the top of the page. As soon as you load the page up, the first thing you see is the banner at the very top.
This is a tall banner that spans nearly the entire width of the page. And it continually plays through highlights of different game clips. So if you wanted to you could just sit there and watch Google cycle through these.
Now, these banner highlights don’t have audio. So you won’t get the full context of what’s happening. But you can click on the highlight and you’ll be taken to the actual video of it where there will be audio for you to listen to what’s going on.
In addition to that the banner shows specific details about each highlight. Such as what league the clip is from, when it aired, and how many people have viewed the clip.
Enjoy sports news and locally trending videos
Users will also find that they can catch up on recent sports news alongside all the highlights. About halfway down the page you’ll see a Top Stories section with sports news from channels like NBC Sports, Good Morning America, ESPN, CBS Sports and more.
And there’s also a section for locally trending videos. These aren’t necessarily locally trending from your city or town, but rather from your country or region.
This way users are able to see popular videos that are more localized and relevant to where they live globally.  All of these changes are now live so you should see the revamped page the next time you load it up.

The post YouTube Now Offers You A More Personalized Sports Experience appeared first on Android Headlines.
