Samsung announced the Galaxy S23 Ultra back on February 1. And since then, a lot of cases have come out for the new phone. Including a few from Caseology. That’s a company that we usually feature in our case buyer’s guide for most smartphones – including the Galaxy S23 Ultra. Caseology makes cases that we use personally, and we know that they are high-quality. So they usually get a spot.
This year, Caseology sent over three of their cases for the Galaxy S23 Ultra. The Skyfall, Nano Pop, and Athlex. In this article, we’re going to do a quick hands-on with these cases, and help you decide whether you should buy them or not.
Caseology Nano Pop
The Nano Pop is a new favorite case for Caseology. It’s a thicker case, with a soft-touch feel around the back. Which gives you plenty of grip to hold onto the phone. That’s always a good thing. The Nano Pop is a two-tone case, with the case being one color and the inside as well as the camera module being another. The option that Caseology sent over here is the “Blueberry Navy” color. It also has “Avo Green”, which is a darker green case with a lighter green camera module. Then there’s “Black Sesame” which is black, with a gray camera module.
It has been tested for military grade drop protection, though not from us of course. But this is a case that I wouldn’t be scared to drop my phone with. It does feel like it would really protect the phone. Also, it gets rid of the camera bump, and works on wireless charging with no issues.
The Caseology Nano Pop is a $17 case over on Amazon. At that price, it’s a really good option.
Caseology Nano Pop – Amazon
Caseology Skyfall
The Skyfall case from Caseology is a clear case. Which is going to be popular with clear case fans, though I’m not one of those people. Out of the box, it comes with protective film over the inside and outside of the case. This is to make sure there are no fingerprints on the case before putting it onto the Galaxy S23 Ultra. Because, as you probably know, those fingerprints will never come off.
Caseology sells this in two colors: Lilac Purple and Matte Black. The color really only pertains to the frame and the camera module. The Lilac Purple is the color I have here, and while I’m not a big clear case person, I actually really like this one. It looks great, and feels great in the hand too. Even on the Green Galaxy S23 Ultra.
This case is a $16 one, which you can pick up at Amazon.
Caseology Skyfall – Amazon
Caseology Athlex
Finally, we have the Athlex case from Caseology. This is one that is new to me, but I actually really like it. This is more of a rugged case, that doesn’t have the OtterBox look. Which is a great thing, because those cases look so ugly.
This is a dual-layer case, with integrated drop-proof grip. Which the grip on the back is really nice. It’s almost like a sandstone texture, like what OnePlus uses, but not quite. It also has a nice indent in the center, which makes it easier to hold onto. And like the other cases here, the case makes the camera bump go away. Which is my biggest reason for using a case these days.
For a $17 case, this is actually really impressive. And you can pick up the Caseology Athlex from Amazon.
Caseology Athlex – Amazon
The post Check out Caseology’s stunning new Galaxy S23 Ultra cases appeared first on Android Headlines.