Qualcomm launched the Snapdragon 8 Elite late last year. The chipset quickly established itself as the most powerful in the Android industry. The implementation of the new custom Oryon cores is largely responsible for this. However, the company still has another flagship SoC coming this year for more affordable devices. A new leak has revealed the configuration of the so-called Snapdragon 8s Elite.
Qualcomm uses the “s” in the name of its chips to indicate that they are scaled-down versions of the main ones. The company adopted this naming strategy first on its mid-range chips, bringing it to its high-end lineup last year. Since the Snapdragon 8 Elite brought a new naming scheme to Snapdragon SoCs, the upcoming affordable flagship model is expected to use it as well.
Snapdragon 8s Elite configuration revealed in latest leak
One of the main differences between the Snapdragon 8s Elite and the Snapdragon 8 Elite will be in their cores. Qualcomm is keeping the Oryon tech exclusive to the flagship model. According to the latest leak, the Snapdragon 8s Elite will have Cortex-X4 and Cortex-A720 cores in a 1+3+2+2 configuration. The chipset will feature 1x super core at 3.21GHz, 3x high-performance cores at 3.01GHz, 2x high-performance cores at a lower frequency of 2.80GHz, and 2x energy-efficient cores at 2.02GHz.
An Adreno 825 GPU will be in charge of graphics processing on the Snapdragon 8s Elite. As its name suggests, this is a downgraded version of the Adreno 830 found in the more powerful—and expensive—variant.
According to Digital Chat Station, the chipset achieves single-core and multi-core scores of 1,967 and 5,827 on GeekBench 6, respectively. The scores do not represent a huge jump compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. However, the chip under testing was a prototype unit.
iQOO and Redmi tipped to be the first to use it
Chinese brands like iQOO and Redmi could be the first to launch Snapdragon 8s Elite-powered phones. A Redmi K series flagship could also boast a 1.5K OLED display and a massive 7,000mAh battery with 90W charging. The smartphone will arrive on the global market under the moniker POCO F7, according to leaks.
The post Snapdragon 8s Elite configuration leaked; Oryon cores missing appeared first on Android Headlines.
Source: ndroidheadlines.com